Rejoice and be glad ... thou shalt be drunken and shalt make thyself naked. Lamentations 4:21
Beer Near Dot Com provides the following services for a tiny annual fee (strictly beer money):
Hash Name E-mail Address Forwarding Tell other hashers to
send mail to your hash name at (e.g.
) and that e-mail will be sent to your regular e-mail
address (e.g
). Perfect for
traveling hashers who need an easy to say and "even half a
mind can remember" e-mail address, when your e-mail address
may change more frequently, or when you want to keep your
regular e-mail address more private.
Multiple Hash Name E-mail Address Forwarding Do you have several spellings of your hash name, multiple hash names, abbreviations, or common misspelling of your hash name? You get 'em all for the price of one.
Hash Web Site Forwarding It's an easy to remember web site address for your hash. You can keep your current ISP and your current hash web site, but you can have as the "even half a mind can remember" web address for your hash's site.
Custom Services Do you need a single e-mail address for all of your hash's mismanagement, or otherwise have several e-mail addresses receive the e-mail that is sent to one address? Do you need a web site and server for your hash? Let Beer Near Dot Com know your needs and we may be able to meet 'em.
Interested? Click here for prices
and send e-mail to: